- Asking for opinion= (seven)
- Giving opinion= 7 (seven)
- As she (the interviewer) said, I´m going to talk with you about alcohol and smoking. Let´s start!
- What´re your feelings towards the tons of people dying everyday because of the smoking of cigarettes?
- The companies that produce this truly disgust me. But personally, I think that the people who got this worse are the ones from third world, cause there´s less state promotion from the state about the pesimist risks people take at smoking cigarettes.
- Good. In addition, what´s your opinion on that, I mean the third world countries´ government very little support to the people?
- I guess they put money before people´s health and well-being. No words can describe how horrible that is.
- Truly sad, what a pitty. We know the teenagers are the most keen in smoking. what are your views on it?
- In my opinion, the government should promote since a young age that smoking is extremely risky. From personal experience, keep calm I know about it.
- Since you overcame this addiction, what´re your thougts on the kind of people that tend to smoke?
- As I see it. those are the ones that have serious problems at house, and don´t have their parents support.
- How do you feel about the parents that drink lots to avoid suffering in front of their sons and give them a wrong message of that being normal?
- Eh, that´s a really difficult question, but I believe that the government should intervene in the situation. From my point of view, teachers at school should teach children since a young age that drinking to avoid reality is wrong. So we battle with the not correct paternal image.
- Finally, as you´ve passed through both, what´s your opinion about the amount of risk on them? Which is risker? Alcoholism or smoking?
- I believe both are wrong. I wouldn`t recommend any of them. But it obviously depends on the amount you drink/smoke. At short time, alcohol is risker, while at long term, smoking is more dangerous.
- What do you think about alcohol being legal at certain age? I mean, generally in the world at 18 years old.
- It´s not healthy, but it´s a sensible measure, since it´s "supposed" that at that age, also known as being an adult, you can think by yourself and take decisions on your own, about what´s good for you and what´s not. As I said before, people in third world are less conscious of this, so there should be more state pressure.
- Thanks from part of the team and the public, Thomas. Hope we get to have you soon here again!
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