Water is essential for a human´s being life, it´s a right we all deserve, as Humans Rights claim. Unevenly, only 3% of the water on the earth´s surface is fresh (residing mainly in glaciers, lakes, underground, rivers, etc) and ready for humans to consume it, the other 97% resides in the ocean. Unfortunately, there is a bad distribution of water, due to differences in climates and the size of territory, what causes some countries to be rich in water (water rich countries) and other poor in water (water poor countries).
Water poor countries suffer from water stress, the worry over present and future water supplies, and from scarcity, the result of lacking water or not having it in a good amount (as it is the case of Africa, shown in the map). This injustice causes deaths, diseases (such as malaria and cholera) and people having to walk miles just for some water.

Good job, Pili. Which is your opinion on the topic?