I still can't get in touch with the idea of moving here and leaving all the people once were my whole world, I guess one of those suddenly desperate decisions my dad decides to take, like moving to a cramped town in the middle of Finland!! What an emotion!! Here I'm not me anymore, I'm covered by a filthy grey perception of life that everyday increases. I wish I didn't live in the deserted town where it always rains (it's making me feel worse), that one I swear it doesn't appear on maps, the one nobody has ever listened about. I need to talk to someone, the school psycologist is not enough. I need my friends, I've tried to socialize here but I was widely ignored. I'm sixteen now, and after living here for about two months, I can confirm my life is over, I've lost it. The darkness in which I'm stuck cannot be considered life, not with my dad working all day to escape reality, and therefore memories. It all started that day, I was standing with Marlene and Gwen, my bests friends, on the bus stop a square next to school, when my dad came in scene with our cosy red car, and now I think everyone noticed my shocked face. He only came when there was something extremely relevant I had to know. I greeted my friends without the required emphasis I would have liked if I had known it was forever. My dad did not talk, he just drove on a high speed to a filthy, shabby hospital, but at least rentable on the suburbs. I could not understand anything, my dad handed me his hand. My eyes slowly crumbled with tears, my mind being forcely filled by millons of catastrophic possibilities. My dad spoke with a nurse, I could now understand his pink cheeks after crying; he was given a key, he came and opened a door, I entered. And there my world completely fell apart. My mom!!! OH MY GOD!! I lost my breath, literally. And that, was the last time I ever saw here.

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