miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016

Science classes at secondary school.

On the Language class, after doing activities surrounding connectors, dependent prepositions, phrases to express opinion, among others, we were given a statement that claimed "Students should be allowed to give up science lessons at school. When they are fourteen, if they don´t like them". Using all the content learnt that I´ve previously mentioned, we had to write a text saying if we agreed or not with the statement, supporting your ideas with reasons.

Here I leave some references:
Phrases to express opinions.
Dependent prepositions.
Science-related words.
Connectors of contrast.

  The opinions surrounding chemestry classes at school are diverse, due to the fact that is a subject that tends to be found complex by many students and many object to take it, in comparison to other subjects.
  I firmly disagree with this statement. From my point of view, students should take chemestry classes until they graduate from secondary school. Therefore, they will have at least the experience and knowledge level required at universities. They will know how to deal with telescopes, thermometers, calculators, among other elements. Consequently, if you decide to follow any career hugely related to chemestry, such as the ones for being an astronomer, a physicist or chemist, you would really benefit from this. Furthermore, they will all develop their IQ, general knowledge and clearly open their minds.
 However, if you are not planning to opt for any of these careers, I agree up to a certain point with the idea of it being not so useful. What´s more, if you struggle and find the subject complex and not always pass, I can understand it can be a pain. Anyway, in spite of your unlikeness, I personally believe you should still take it. Although you may not  end up or plan to opt for any career related to chemestry or any university career at all, if you choose to have kids, eventually you may need to help them with their homework or something.
 In conclusion, even though you dislike chemestry and won´t need much of the content learnt on the future and now feel like it is a "waste" of time on something you don´t enjoy and perhaps, if you don´t follow a career related to chemestry, a bit useless, you should still take chemestry classes at secondary school. Besides, if you are actually going to opt for a career related to this, you´d definitely take advantage of this.

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